Life is not that easy for everyone, we really have a lot of things need to take into consideration. We need to balance the life and work, we need to make our life more colorful, at the same time, we really need to think how to make ourselves happy. Life give us a lot of difficulties, we need to stay stronger than ever.
There are so many things in our life to make us stronger, the inspirational and powerful quotes will make us recharged. The quotes sentences and words are so powerful and full of magic. After reading them, we will recognized that life is beautiful and we just need to move on for our new day.
1.Your only limit is your mind.
2.Don’t be afraid to start over. It’s a chance to build something better this time.
3.So many people love you. Don’t focus on the people who don’t.
4.Your idea of me is not my responsibility to live up to.
5.Sometimes you just need to disconnect & enjoy your own company. – Dulce Ruby
6.What if… everything you are going through is preparing you for what you asked for?
7.Feel what you need to feel and then let it go. Do not let it consume you. – Dhiman
8.Karma: No need for revenge. Just sit back and wait. Those who hurt you will eventually screw up themselves and if you are lucky, it will let you watch.
9.Don’t judge my choices, when you don’t understand my reasons.
10.You can choose it or change it. Just stay true to yourself. – Rachel Wolchin
11.Let today be the start of something new.
12.The only person that can shine a light in my heart is me. One & Only.
13.Sometimes it’s very hard to move on, but once you move on, you’ll realize it’s the best decision you’ve ever made.
14.Don’t be afraid to lose people. Be afraid of losing yourself by trying to please everyone around you.
15.Every unfortunate experience holds within it a blessing of some kind. – Dan Voire
16.If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello. – Paulo Coelho
17.I can be doing my best and know that one day I can do even better.
18.Stop waiting for things to get better and do something to make it better.
19.No response is a response. And it’s a powerful one. Remember that.
20.Dear self, even on your worst days, you are okay. – Dau Voire
21.Nothing worth having comes easy.
22.As I take care of my energy, my energy takes care of me.
23.Never forget who helped you out while everyone else was making excuses.
24.I like people who don’t need everyone to like them.
25.Only you know how far you’ve truly come. Don’t ever let that go unnoticed. – Dau Voire
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