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9 Beautiful And Comfortable Roof Garden Design Ideas You Must Love

In fact, the roof garden design in the city does not have to plant too many plants. It should be as simple as in today’s roof garden design case, a simple and neat wooden floor, and then put some beautiful potted plants as embellishment, with some beautiful and comfortable outdoor furniture, it feels very comfortable and the cost is also relatively low, and later maintenance is also simple.

When you want to build a very stylish, beautiful and comfortable roof garden. It must be comfortable, and it also looks like an enjoyment for outsiders. Let’s find inspiration through these 9 beautiful roof garden design examples together!

1. Outdoor Barbecue Space

This roof garden has designed a very wide open space, only one building into a small kitchen. Here, you can invite friends and family to hold a barbecue party together and enjoy free breathing on the vast platform!

Beautiful And Comfortable Roof Garden Design Ideas You Must Love; Garden; Garden Design; Budget Garden Design; Future Garden; Backyard Renovation; Garden Renovation; DIY Garden; Roof Garden; #garden #gardendesign #budgetgardendesign #budgetgarden #futuregarden #roofgardenrenovation #gardenrenovation #diy #diygarden #roofgarden


2. The Best Place For Family Dinner

This roof garden with wooden floor is decorated with many comfortable outdoor furniture. On one side is a long dining table that can accommodate many guests. After the meal, the table and chairs on the other side can be used as an extension of the outdoor living room, all the guests can continue having a chat! If you are worried about rain, you can consider setting up outdoor awnings or temporary umbrellas.

Beautiful And Comfortable Roof Garden Design Ideas You Must Love; Garden; Garden Design; Budget Garden Design; Future Garden; Backyard Renovation; Garden Renovation; DIY Garden; Roof Garden; #garden #gardendesign #budgetgardendesign #budgetgarden #futuregarden #roofgardenrenovation #gardenrenovation #diy #diygarden #roofgarden


3. Transparent Leisure Sun Room

This roof garden design combines leisure and outdoor activities. The interior space created with floor-to-ceiling windows looks bright and comfortable. The outdoor part is equipped with leisure seats, which is very suitable for sunbathing!

Beautiful And Comfortable Roof Garden Design Ideas You Must Love; Garden; Garden Design; Budget Garden Design; Future Garden; Backyard Renovation; Garden Renovation; DIY Garden; Roof Garden; #garden #gardendesign #budgetgardendesign #budgetgarden #futuregarden #roofgardenrenovation #gardenrenovation #diy #diygarden #roofgarden


4. Green Private Park

This roof garden is planted with lush trees and plants, creating a heart-warming natural atmosphere. Simple couches and feet are placed in the space. Reading and listening to music here may make you forget the passage of time!

Beautiful And Comfortable Roof Garden Design Ideas You Must Love; Garden; Garden Design; Budget Garden Design; Future Garden; Backyard Renovation; Garden Renovation; DIY Garden; Roof Garden; #garden #gardendesign #budgetgardendesign #budgetgarden #futuregarden #roofgardenrenovation #gardenrenovation #diy #diygarden #roofgarden


5. A Wild Feast On The Roof Garden

Why do you have to drive on the road during holidays to crowd out so-called sightseeing spots? Put on a casual soft seat in your roof garden, and bring some food and wine, let’s live together with joy!

Beautiful And Comfortable Roof Garden Design Ideas You Must Love; Garden; Garden Design; Budget Garden Design; Future Garden; Backyard Renovation; Garden Renovation; DIY Garden; Roof Garden; #garden #gardendesign #budgetgardendesign #budgetgarden #futuregarden #roofgardenrenovation #gardenrenovation #diy #diygarden #roofgarden


6. Personal Studio

The top floor is also a good place to set up a studio. When you want to concentrate on your work, as long as you get here, you can enjoy a space isolated from the world. Tired of work, step outside to get some fresh air, or have a cup of fragrant coffee ~

Beautiful And Comfortable Roof Garden Design Ideas You Must Love; Garden; Garden Design; Budget Garden Design; Future Garden; Backyard Renovation; Garden Renovation; DIY Garden; Roof Garden; #garden #gardendesign #budgetgardendesign #budgetgarden #futuregarden #roofgardenrenovation #gardenrenovation #diy #diygarden #roofgarden


7. Sunbathing Paradise

Rather than use it to build an ugly house, who would choose this sunbathing dream paradise? Put some comfortable and soft pillows on the long recliner, and then put a refreshing drink on the side, so you should spend your leisure time!

Beautiful And Comfortable Roof Garden Design Ideas You Must Love; Garden; Garden Design; Budget Garden Design; Future Garden; Backyard Renovation; Garden Renovation; DIY Garden; Roof Garden; #garden #gardendesign #budgetgardendesign #budgetgarden #futuregarden #roofgardenrenovation #gardenrenovation #diy #diygarden #roofgarden


8. White Fantasy Style

Half of the space in this roof garden has been built into a simple living room, and the other half of the blank space has been created as a very dreamy outdoor activity place. Transparent glass and white furniture and floor constitute a simple and stylish beauty, let you completely forget that it is the space on the top floor!

Beautiful And Comfortable Roof Garden Design Ideas You Must Love; Garden; Garden Design; Budget Garden Design; Future Garden; Backyard Renovation; Garden Renovation; DIY Garden; Roof Garden; #garden #gardendesign #budgetgardendesign #budgetgarden #futuregarden #roofgardenrenovation #gardenrenovation #diy #diygarden #roofgarden


9. Transparent Style Design

Half of the roof terrace is designed as a room with large glass, and the outdoor part is furnished with comfortable rocking chairs and long couches. You can engage in leisure activities here on a sunny day, when it rains, you can immediately hide in the glass house to avoid rain!

Beautiful And Comfortable Roof Garden Design Ideas You Must Love; Garden; Garden Design; Budget Garden Design; Future Garden; Backyard Renovation; Garden Renovation; DIY Garden; Roof Garden; #garden #gardendesign #budgetgardendesign #budgetgarden #futuregarden #roofgardenrenovation #gardenrenovation #diy #diygarden #roofgarden

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